Day 2 Keynote: Economic Trends: Navigating Business Challenges and Opportunities in Pool & Hot Tub Industry

Event Time

Wednesday, November 13 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM

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Event Location

Location: Ballroom D

Session Information

Title: Day 2 Keynote: Economic Trends: Navigating Business Challenges and Opportunities in Pool & Hot Tub Industry


This session will focus on economic conditions impacting the bottom line of your business. Led by Scott Hackworth, President of a leading research firm, this session will include timely insight from the industry’s leading companies representing the pool construction, retail sales, and service and hot tub sectors. Our esteemed panelists will share real time data on the performance of the sector in various markets across the country and share valuable insight on how they are dealing with business challenges as well as discuss sales performance, employees and workforce issues, profits and rising costs. Hackworth will present the latest information from PHTA’s Business Operations and Quarterly Pulse research studies combined with the latest economic data and show the audience how data-based decisions can help companies make more accurate and measured decisions to optimize your own performance.

Type: Keynote



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