Robert Baxter, Advanced CBP

Robert Baxter, Advanced CBP

Principal at Robax Development

Robert began his career in 1973 as a design draftsman and engineering aid for a major oilfield mud logging and core analysis company. During his employment responsibilities came to include shop fabrication of prototype equipment design specification, procurement and installation of high-pressure vessels, viscous fluid testing equipment, and other manufactured components for worldwide company operations. In 1978 Robert began working with North Texas swimming pool contractors providing design concepts and piping solutions. From this experience, he founded Texas Waterworks in 1982 and began providing turnkey contractor services for swimming pool construction. In 1988 Texas Waterworks began a more focused effort on the developing commercial markets and expanded its customer base to include municipalities, college and high school facilities, hospital physical therapy, and other institutions that include commercial water features, competitive swimming pools, therapy systems and aquatic recreation venues. In 2012 Robert introduced a new business platform, under the Texas Waterworks corporate entity of Robax Development LLC, serving as an Aquatic Construction Liaison offering consultation, concept design, construction administration, quality control oversight, plus serving in dispute resolution through mediation and arbitration.