Kevin Tucker, CBP, CMS, CPO, CST, CSP
Kevin has been working in and around swimming pools for over 45 years.
He started lifeguarding, coaching and teaching swimming lessons, became certified and taught everything from infants to scuba. He trained hundreds of instructors and lifeguards, taught aquatic exercise classes and conducted aquatics classes for people with disabilities over a period of about 15 years. His education includes a strong science and technical background with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas in Austin and graduate work at Kansas State University.
Kevin has worked with a pool builder, a chemical company (BioLab), an equipment manufacturer (Sta-Rite), an importer of aquatic therapy and exercise equipment (H2OGym-US, LLC), and has consulted and trained for other swimming pool related companies and startups. For the majority of 30 years, Kevin has built pools, provided pool service and repair, sales, troubleshooting and training. Kevin’s strength has always been teaching and training a variety of subjects in a variety of venues.
About 5 years ago, Kevin returned his focus to teaching and training full time. Four years ago, Kevin formed Educational Leverage, LLC with the intention of providing a variety of aquatics and swimming pool/spa related training programs.
He currently teaches
• a program that he developed for preparation for the Texas Residential Appliance Installer’s License,
• the PHTA CPO (Certified Pool Operator) course,
• ISPSC code training (3 different classes)
o 1. In cooperation with PHTA and ICC for Pool Builders and Building Professionals),
o 2. An independently developed course specifically for Pool Builders,
o 3. An independently developed course specifically for Swimming Pool Service and Maintenance,
• Basic Electrical Theory, Safety and Testing for Pool & Spa Service,
He is continually creating and presenting new programs that he develops in related areas.
- Certified Maintenance Specialist® (CMS®) (3 Day Course)
- Saturday, November 9 • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Certified Maintenance Specialist® (CMS®) (3 Day Course)
- Sunday, November 10 • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Certified Maintenance Specialist® (CMS®) (3 Day Course)
- Monday, November 11 • 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM